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  Knock, Knock...


·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Ima.

·          Ima who?

·          Ima tired of knocking!

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Ice cream.

·          Ice cream who?

·          Ice cream 'cause I'm a cheerleader!

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Fido.

·          Fido who?

·          Ifido known you were coming Ido baked a cake

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Snoopy.

·          Snoopy who?

·          You're too snoopy for me to tell you!

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Olive.

·          Olive who?

·          Olive here!

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Anita.

·          Anita who?

·          Anita use the phone!

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Howie.

·          Howie who?

·          I'm fine. Howie you?

·          Knock, knock.

·          Who's there?

·          Wilma.

·          Wilma who?

·          Wilma supper be ready soon?

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